Learn the Truth About Deceptive and
Deadly Heart Treatments Heart Surgeons
Don't Want You to Know!
Why? Because they've grown accustomed to a
$200 Billion-Dollar-A-Year Industry! So what if HALF of
all bypass surgeries fail—and 85% of patients don't
even meet criteria for the surgery—they still get paid!
In this FREE Report you'll find out what really causes cardiovascular problems
and why the traditional heart treatments the medical establishment forces on their
trusting patients are unnecessary, dangerous and keep you sick! Plus, discover new
natural secrets for avoiding a major coronary event and even reversing heart disease—without
surgeries or medications that rob you of the quality of life you deserve!
But you must hurry and claim your FREE Report NOW—because every 34 seconds
someone suffers a coronary event and HALF don't survive!
Your FREE Report reveals the real causes of heart problems, how to reduce your
risk—naturally—and how to do it without surgery, doctors or drugs...
- The powerful herb that helps keep your arteries plaque free and
reduces the risk of blood clots!
- The 4,000-year-old Chinese secret for preventing hardening of arteries.
In addition, it helps you lose weight, which is vital for cardiovascular health!
- The simple, 10-minutes-a-day secret that reduces your cardiovascular
risk as well as taking 10 mg of Lipitor® a day. Remarkable results
from study of more than 23,000 nurses.
- Just 100 mg a day of this vitamin-like substance supercharges your heart
so you feel like you did 20 years ago.
- Stop worrying about your cholesterol. This one factor is more important
than lowering your cholesterol if you want to avoid heart disease!
- The never-before-revealed "other" cause of hardening of arteries.
It has nothing to do with what you eat!
- Thin your blood—and reduce your risk of a deadly blood clot—with
this 25-cent vitamin!
- Clear up deadly plaque build-up in your heart... by drinking red wine!
- And many more new and scientifically proven secrets for reversing atherosclerosis,
protecting your heart and adding years to your life—safely
and naturally!
Plus you'll find out how thousands of people just like you are eliminating their
fear of experiencing a major coronary event for good! And you can too!

“I'm breathing a lot easier. I was supposed to have heart surgery but
now I don't need it.”
—Steve S., Canton, OH
“I can now feel warmth in my feet. My circulation has improved significantly.”
—C.G., Hohenwald, TN

“I was diagnosed with plaque in my right carotid artery at the end of
Oct 2008 by ultrasound. My ultrasound test was redone July 2009 and no plaque was
found. I have medical documents to prove this. I feel so much better and excited
about this improvement.”
—Teobaldo C., Sunrise, FL
“I can run upstairs without being out of breath.”
—K.B., Banning, CA

“My doctor is really pleased with my cholesterol and blood pressure readings.
I have also noticed clearer vision and sharper memory.”
—S.S., Altadena, CA
“My blood pressure was steady at 126/80 and my heartbeat was regular.
My heart had been quite irregular even skipping a beat quite often. Plus, I didn’t
have any side effects.”
—Christian R., Scio, OR
“All arteries are flowing well and I'm a happy man. Keep up the good work.”
—J.C., Dallas, GA
Discover better and safer options for determining your
heart disease and/or heart attack risk, clearing clogged arteries, renewing your
energy and more—safely and naturally—
with the valuable information and shocking evidence exposed
in this exclusive FREE Report!
The Great Heart Bypass Scam!
Enter your first name and email address in the boxes below and then click "Submit"
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